Ready Reference Databases

Got some homework or a big project? Access online dictionaries, encyclopedias, calculators, and more.


*Database access is funded by OPLIN’s Ohio Web Library for all Ohio residents, while some resources are provided by Avon Lake Public Library for our cardholders and visitors. All of these resources will work on computers inside our Library, but you will need a library card to access them from home or elsewhere.


Definitions of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms.

Click Here


An array of different calculators for a variety of purposes.

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A multisource online dictionary and thesaurus.

Click Here

Google Translate

Translate text into any one of more than 100 languages.

Click Here

Oxford Reference*

An assortment of dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, and subject reference books.

Click Here

World Book*

Information resources for pre-school through college.

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