Wireless Printing On All Mobile Devices
Print wirelessly from all mobile devices, including laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Submit print jobs from home or in the Library.

Method 1: Upload to Web Portal
- Click the Wireless Printing Portal button (below) or go to https://print.princh.com/?pid=
110374 - Click the link then browse to select the document you wish to print
- Select color, number of copies or click the settings button to make it double sided
- Accept the terms and Continue
- Enter your email address.
- Click the green Done button. This will send your print job to the Self Service Kiosk, located across from the Info Desk.
Method 2: Print From the PrinterOn Mobile App
- Install the free Princh mobile app on your phone.

2. Tap "Print Document."
3. Follow the directions to print your document from another app.
4. Once you select Print with Princh from your print options go back to the Princh app.
5. Tap "Enter printer ID" and enter 110374 then tap Return or Enter
6. Tap the "Select this printer" then make and changes to the printer settings you would like.
7. Tap Print, accept the terms and click Continue.
8. Enter your email address then tap "Submit Print Job." This will send your print job to the Self Service Kiosk, located across from the Info Desk.
How to Release a Print Job At the Self Service Kiosk

1. At the Self Service Kiosk, click Release a Print Job and enter your email address.
2. Select the print job(s) you wish to print and click Print.
3. A window will pop up the total cost of the print job(s).
4. If you don't have a library card from Avon Lake Public Library: add money to coinbox, located next to the 1. Kiosk. Click Pay from Vending Device. See staff at Info Desk if you need to pay by credit card.
5. If you have a library card from Avon Lake Public Library:
Click Pay from AAM Account and scan or enter your library card number.
Why? Library card users are entitled to $1.00 of free printing every day (Allocation Account). Library card users can add additional funds to a running Deposit Account by using the coinbox at the Self Service Kiosk or by seeing staff at the Info Desk.
6. If there are enough funds in your Allocation or Deposit Accounts (Library cardholders only), the job will go directly to the printer nest to the Self Service Kiosk.
7. If there are not enough funds in your Allocation or Deposit Accounts, add money to coinbox, located next to the Kiosk. Click Pay from Vending Device.
8. If you need to use a credit card to add funds to your Deposit Account see staff at the Info Desk.
9. The job(s) will then be released to the printer.