Online Resources
Search our online resources anytime, anywhere!
Online resources we've collected in many categories to help you find reliable information. Many are free to access.
The Library provides a variety of online databases for self-paced learning, courtesy of the Ohio Web Library (click for a full listing).

Popular Searches
These resources will require a Library Card to access
Find sample marketing and business plans, info for starting a business, compare mortgage and credit card rates, and more.
Buying a car? Want to check out a business before buying? Access databases to help you make smart and well-researched choices.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Educational resources on various Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) topics.
Access classified employment ads, free employment centers and search engines that provide employment leads for older workers.
Genealogy, History & Biography
Search for genealogical records on Ancestry Library Edition, or search through thousands of photographs, obituaries, and biographies.
Government & Legal
An easy place to find and access government websites, legal information, and reference sources.
Health & Medicine
Access comprehensive information from hospitals, search for clinical trials, information on health practices, and more.
Magazines & Newspapers
Access cover-to-cover scholarly and academic magazines, periodicals, and newspapers.
Social Services
Access resources that provide assistance to families, children, seniors, residents and communities.
Ready Reference
Got some homework or a big project? Access online dictionaries, encyclopedias, calculators, and more.